We recently started building a mecanum car, starting with this kit:
We are using an Arduino Nano, an LM2596 Buck Converter, 2 DRV8833 Motor Drivers, a LiPo 2S 7.4V 5200Mah 50C battery, a Terminal Block Distribution Module, and a RadioLink T8S
The DRV8833 is not the exact one that is in the Fritzing diagram
Everything is working just ok. The car can be driven by the remote and the cool mecanum steering is working as intended. However, the voltage going to the motors seems way too low and this where I’m hoping for some assistance.
Using a multimeter, the voltage from the battery is ~7.8V and remains 7.8V at both motor drivers VCC/GND. However, the output on both OUT1/2s and OUT3/4s is only ~2.2V.
When we run a test setup with just one motor driver and one motor, we get 7.8V out to the motor.
So we’re struggling to sort out what is going on how to fix this. My electrical knowledge is very rusty, but I believe the motors are wired in parallel so they should each be getting 7.8V (which they are at the VCC/GND from the multimeter). So why is only 2.2V going to each motor?
Please post the code, using code tags. If you are using PWM speed control, then the voltage measured by the multimeter will not be the full 7.8V.
What is the stall current for the motors? Post a link to the motor data sheet.
Fritzing diagrams are usually unclear or misleading and often useless, so please do not post them. Forum members appreciate instead hand drawn wiring diagrams, with parts, pins and connections clearly labeled.
I gave up looking at your frizzy mess. Lines are not connected, no color code followed, unknown boards etc. You need to post an annotated schematic (the language of electronics) and links to technical information on each of the hardware devices. Links to Amazon and other market places give lots of neet sales information but very seldom enough to use the producte.
You can estimate the stall current by measuring the motor winding resistance, using your multimeter. Turn the motor shaft VERY slowly, and keep the lowest measurement you get. The stall current is the motor power supply voltage divided by the winding resistance in Ohms. Let us know what you find.
However, I think that the DRV8833 motor drivers should be able to handle those motors, suggesting that you have a wiring error.
As mentioned above, it is not really possible to decode that Fritzing with any confidence. Please post a pic of a hand drawn diagram that unambiguously shows all the connections, with all pins clearly labeled.