Use multimeter measure the output pin of the sensor.
The problem is
After I've tested these 2 products, I found those sensors detect even non-living object such as empty bottle, pillow, chair, etc. (only when it was moving. - no moving 0, moving 1)
and I'm sure that, from my test, there is no part of my body was included in detection range
panasonic pir sensor have low power consumption type (1,2,3,6 uA) and 170 uA type, are there any impact to its sensitivity
I tried both, attach a string, wind blow from fan. the sensor type I used is surprisingly low power consumption, only 1uA in standby mode, I'm not sure that this can be the problem in its sensitivity or not.
This is what digikey's application engineer explain it to me.
In response to your questions:
It should be understood that these sensors do not not detect “living objects” per-se; they detect light in the infrared spectrum. It can be thought of like watching the pattern of light on a wall that comes through a window at night; streetlights or moonlight cast a dim but persistent glow, but a vehicle with bright headlights passing by produces a noticeably moving bright pattern. Similarly, an opaque body passing between the outside light source and the window casts a noticeably moving shadow in the pattern of background light. What sensors of this type do, in some sense, is watch for movement in the pattern of (infrared) light that comes through its window (lens).
All objects emit light in the infrared region, in relation to their temperature. Any object (not just warm-blooded animals) that are at a different temperature than their background can potentially trigger them. Because objects very in terms of their optical characteristics in the infrared region, moving objects that are at the same temperature as the background can still trigger them, particularly in they are presented very close to the sensor.
The sensitivity and detection pattern of these sensors is mostly a matter of the lens/optical system, but there are likely some differences of an electrical nature that lead to the different current consumption numbers. Panasonic does not seem to do a good job of showing the differences between these different devices, so a person is sort of stuck choosing potential candidates based on other factors, and looking at individual device datasheets to determine if the sensitivity patterns are suitable for a given application.
I really wonder about how power consumption affects the sensor, bad news, I tried to find the info, but found nothing.