Hi! Im working to create a circular buffer. I have made it already in matlab but am having trouble converting it into arduino. If anyone can help that would be great!!
buffSize = 100; %Length of signal
Fs = 50; %Sampling frequency (i.e. 20ms increments)
prd = 1/Fs; %Period
thresh = 0.5; %Threshold of amplitude needed to count pitch in FFT
circBuffX = nan(1,buffSize);
circBuffY = nan(1,buffSize);
circBuffZ = nan(1,buffSize);
circBufft = nan(1,buffSize);
% circBuffarea = nan(1,buffSize);
count = 0;
wait = 100; %number of steps to wait before potential next pitch (2 secs @50 Hz)
flag = -wait; %Initialized at -wait so that first trip through loop will not be obstructed
You appear to be having the most trouble posting your Arduino code. You'll need to read the stickies at the top of the forum and figure out how to post your code yourself. THEN we can help.
So, that's MatLab-ese for "set the array circBuffX to the new sample concatenated with the old array not including the last element"? What a horrible way to implement a circular buffer, unless matlab optimizes it automagically.
Circular buffers on Arduino would normally be implemented with an array and a pointer to the "next" entry. Exact details would be dependent on how you wanted to access the data, but something like:
* add a new value to a circular buffer
circadd(cirbuf *buf, float newval) {
buf->ptr = (buf.ptr + 1) % buf->size;
buf->buffer[buf->ptr] = newval;
* Get the nth oldest value from circular buffer (0 is oldest, bufsize-1 is newest)
float circget(cirbuf *buf, int n) {
int index = (buf->ptr + 1 + n) % buf->size;
return buf->bufffer[index];
add a new value to a circular buffer
circadd(cirbuf buf, float newval) {
buf->ptr = (buf.ptr + 1) % buf->size;
buf->buffer[buf->ptr] = newval;
Get the nth oldest value from circular buffer (0 is oldest, bufsize-1 is newest)
float circget(cirbuf *buf, int n) {
int index = (buf->ptr + 1 + n) % buf->size;
return buf->bufffer[index];
Those were just sort-of "hints"; a real implementation would take a bit longer...
A "proper" implementation would probably be wrapped in C++ operator overloading so that it looked like an ordinary array, but I don't think I'm up to it. (You'd think that this might already exist, but a quick search didn't turn up anything. Lots of "circular buffers" to fill and empty, and assorted queues of arbitrary size, but no efficient fixed-length circular arrays.)
ou'd think that this might already exist, but a quick search didn't turn up anything. Lots of "circular buffers" to fill and empty, and assorted queues of arbitrary size, but no efficient fixed-length circular arrays.
The HardwareSerial class contains two circular buffers, of fixed length, for bytes. Changing that implementation of be float-based would be relatively simple.