someone knows some library or code which I can implement in my project , I want to turn on/off a led in my board from a sms message, I am not using the Arduino GSM Shield, I am using this one:
I do not have any idea about how I can read the messagge for later compare with a char/string ( It does not know either) and be able to control the led.
sms: turn on ------------------------> my board : led on
sms: turn off ------------------------> my board : led off
That link takes you to a page with lots of examples, and a GSM library that seems to encapsulate the actions needed to deal with calls and messages. Have you actually followed the links there and looked at all the examples?
only there are examples about make a call, send sms, control the screen but I want to read the sms message and compare with a text written in my code and be able to turn on/off a led in my board. There are a library about it, but I do not know how I can read the sms and compare it.
I want to read the sms message and compare with a text written in my code and be able to turn on/off a led in my board.
You're unlikely to find existing code that does exactly what you want, so you'll need to write it. You should have no trouble finding examples dealing with the individual parts of your problem. Where have you got to so far, and which part of it are you having trouble with?