Turning Target Trouble

I'm trying to make a homemade turning targets and having a problem programming the servos to turn at the same time
I’m hoping to have a button to press to face the targets and a button to press for the targets to turn away for 7 seconds and the face for 10 seconds and then turn away and stop the sequence.
Can someone help (I’m pulling my hair out)

Please do not hijack. Thread split.

Welcome to the forum.

Please read the first post in any forum entitled how to use this forum.
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Can you please post a copy of your circuit, in CAD or a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?

Thanks.. Tom.. :slight_smile:

I have made a RF turning-target some while ago. PM me if you want the sketch.

I have made a RF turning-target some while ago. PM me if you want the sketch.

Im very new to Arduinos and I’m willing to learn the coding , I have 5 servos and I’m needing them to stay forward for 3sec and turn away for 7sec and face forward for 10/20/150secs can you point me in the right direction please

Kind regards

You will need a 5 to 6V power supply capable of providing at least one Ampere per moving servo (5 Amps if all can move at once). Connect all the grounds together.

There are plenty of servo tutorials on the web. However, don't try to power any motor or servo from the Arduino 5V output -- that can destroy the Arduino.

Do you want to be able to move them independently as well as move them all simultaneously?