Two (or more) 28BYJ-48 Motors with Single Shield


I'm using the AccelStepper library with a 28BYJ-48 stepper motor through X113747(?) that has the ULN2003A IC. I used the '?' character because I cannot read any part number on the PCB (in English and the Mandarin text next to power supply jumpers is beyond my education level).

Using two stepper motors requires two PCBs in this configuration. I have managed to complete some exercises related to this configuration.

Is there a board (Arduino compliant, of course) that will support two or more stepper motors? I read about an obsolete but still available on eBay ITEAD component (that supports two stepper motors) but the supplier cannot guarantee a V2 version during order processing! Some of the other stuff that I've read mention "motors" but the fine print states one stepper motor is supported.

I would like to keep costs as low as practical. I am seeking advice on:

  • Which interface board will support two or more stepper motors?
  • Do I have to go beyond 28BYJ-48 motors for this pursuit?


What is an "X113747(?) " ?

For an Arduino to control a 28BYJ-48 using a ULN2003 there must be 4 connections from the Arduino to each ULN2003. So an Uno, with 17 I/O pins (not including the Rx and Tx pins) could control 4 motors. A Mega has a great many more I/O pins.

If you want the motors to move quickly the limiting factor may be the ability of a 16MHz Arduino to produce enough pulses per second.


ULN2803 is the 8 channel version, not on a breakout board though.