I've UGS/ GRBL/Arduino uno set up on my laptop, but I've run into a wall !
I have a Uno attached to a usb socket, but no tb6600s nor motors connected (they're out in the garage at 94F, so I'm indoors at 71F !). I've confirmed separately that they are AOK.
With a new sketch opened, I uploaded grbl, and it shows 'include <grbl.h>'.
I then opened UGS, and choosing to use the Setup Wizard to "setup the controller"(?)
I tried the Connection window, but it continues to say 'could not connect to the controller', whatever combination of choices I make.
The default choices are
Connection driver TCP
Firmware GRBL
Host ttyACM0 (this also shows at foot of sketch window)
Port 80
The Connection window also suggests to check 'that the controller is properly installed', but how do I go about that ?
Grateful for help,
EDIT I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 on a 64 bit laptop, if it's relevant.
Not sure why you doubted my statement, but perhaps the attached screenshot proves it.
I presume your suggestion of trying 'candle' or 'grbl-plotter' is your own preferred software ?
I'll willingly have a look.
EDIT I should have included in my OP that I'm heading for bas relief carving with a 3 axis cnc, so grbl-plotter is a no go.
I'm now looking at candle, but I would prefer to find an answer to my original problem.
i have downloaded sketch and opened it, it contain only 'include <grbl.h>', it wondering me. i have uploaded sketch, successfully, serial monitor shows:
Having closed down last night, re-booting this morning now shows -
Have I discovered what I had omitted doing - just rebooting ?
Re 'serial port' - I only have 'serial monitor' and 'serial plotter'.
Serial monitor does not show anything, even if I type $ or $$.
I have raised this particular problem as a separate thread, as I assumed the two problems were not connected.
edit Now realised that there were other entries that I hadn't seen !
I notice that in following the tutorial mentioned above, if I upload grbl from 'examples' as suggested, it only shows the first line - 'grbl.h'.
If I upload from 'Sketch/include library/grbl', it uploads 20 lines, including 'grbl.h'.
I'm left with no idea which is the correct route.
In both cases, there is no response to typing '$' into the system monitor window.
Trying to set up Grbl - New sketch/grbl upload/
opened Serial Monitor/ Baud rate 115200.
I type $ and hit the Enter key, and the $ vanished.
Tried just '$ for help', hit enter, and it too vanished, with no
apparent result on screen, but the led on the uno blinked.
Is the problem that I have no motors connected, and can only change
the 'settings' when I have ?
I have merged your topics due to them having too much overlap on the same subject matter @grey1beard.
In the future, please only create one topic for each distinct subject matter and be careful not to cause them to converge into parallel discussions.
The reason is that generating multiple threads on the same subject matter can waste the time of the people trying to help. Someone might spend a lot of time investigating and writing a detailed answer on one topic, without knowing that someone else already did the same in the other topic.
The correct route is the one described in the Grbl documentation:
Select File > Examples > grbl > grblUpload from the Arduino IDE menus.
This feature of Arduino IDE only adds an #include directive to the sketch for header files in the library.
Sometimes a library contains header files that are only used internally by the library, or are used in specific use cases and not appropriate in others. The library developer can configure which of the header files Arduino IDE should add #include directives for, but the developers of the Grbl library didn't do that so Arduino IDE uses the fallback behavior of adding an #include directives for every header file in the library.
You only need the #include directive for grbl.h, so you should not use Arduino IDE's Sketch > Include Library feature with the Grbl library.
I don't think so. You should get the help message in response to the $ command regardless.
Please try this to make sure the Grbl firmware was correctly uploaded to your Uno board:
Select File > Preferences... (or Arduino IDE > Settings... for macOS users) from the Arduino IDE menus.
The "Preferences" dialog will open.
Uncheck the box next to Show verbose output during: ☑ compile in the "Preferences" dialog.
Check the box next to Show verbose output during: ☐ upload.
Check the box next to ☐ Verify code after upload.
Click the "OK" button.
The "Preferences" dialog will close.
Attempt an upload, as you did before.
Wait for the upload to finish successfully.
Send the $ command from the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor, as you did before.
Now please reply here on the forum thread with the following information:
Did the upload process succeed this time?
If the upload failed, the full text of the upload output, as shown in the "Output" panel at the bottom of the Arduino IDE window.
If the upload was successful, did you get the expected help message in response to the $ command this time?
Did the upload process succeed this time? Yes ...did you get the expected help message in response to the $ command this time? No.
But then I noticed that I'd left the Baud speed at 9600 from a previous trial run, so changed that to 115200, re opened the serial monitor, and there was the Grbl 1.1h ['$' for help] message.
Warm glow of relief, that progress is happening !
Many grateful thanks,
Typed $$ and got the desired lines of settings(?) code
Now, though I believe I have grbl correctly set up, I still have the original problem as stated in my first post, i.e. I can't connect UGS to the grbl/arduino.
In many online posts I see a screenshot of the UGS software that shows a different taskbar line up to mine (I have no baud rate window). My version of UGS is 2.1.7, and I have set the rate to 115200 in the arduino sketch that I have loaded.
For new readers, this is a merged thread from about #3, when the original problem was diverted by replies that suggested my problem lay elsewhere. This was true, but it was just an additional problem, at least that one happily now resolved.
Regards all,
Unfortunately I don't have any experience with UGS so I won't be able to assist which this aspect of your project. Hopefully one of the other forum helpers who are knowledgeable in this subject will be able to help.
Perhaps I should follow your earlier suggestion, re a new installation of grbl, and apply it to my UGS, and re-install?
Can do no harm (he wrote, hopefully).