Unable to connect Arduino Due to Winform C# via Serial Com
Hi all bro, I am trying to connect arduino due on winfrom c# to pc via Serial similar to connecting with arduino uno r3/mega 2560. but the result doesn't seem to work.
My program on c# connects fine to arduino r3 with the following commands:
serCOM.PortName = ... ;
serCOM.BaudRate = ... ;
Please point out my mistake thanks, does the arduino due have a different serial connection than the arduino uno?
Arduino_due_xoay.ino (26.7 KB)
Winfrom C# program control Arduino Due.zip (772.9 KB)
Give more details:
- What were you expecting to happen?
- What actually happens?
- What investigation/testing/debugging have you done to find where it's going wrong?
In particular, what have you done to check if the problem is at the Arduino end, or the PC end?
I picked up an Uno for a lockdown project. That went well and I've just bought a Arduino Due for more speed and memory. However the Serial communication code that worked fine with Uno/C# comms isn't working with Arduino Due/C# comms.
Using Serial.write on the Arduino Due will cause the output to appear in the Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor but C# won't find anything to read.
For a test I've stripped it down to this:
void setup() {
while (!Serial) { }
void loop() {
Serial.write( "Hello World\n" );
delay( 1000 );
As expected, the Serial Monitor is full of "Hello World", but this test C# snippet gets nothing.
SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort( "COM6", 9600 );
while ( true )
Console.WriteLine( $"Received: {serialPort.ReadExisting()}" );
Note: I do not have the Serial Monitor and the C# app trying to connect at the same time as I know that will cause problems.
Does the Arduino Due do something different with its Serial output that the monitor is aware of but I'm missing in my SerialPort setup in C#?
Any help would be much appreciated.
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