I'm running code on ESP32+A7670 that uses the TinyGSM library.
Part of that code attempts to POST to a URL:
TinyGsm modem(SerialAT);
// ...
// Code to initialize the modem
// ...
String server_url = "https://xxxxxxxxxx.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/dev/path/element";
if (!modem.https_set_url(server_url)) {
Serial.println("Failed to set the URL");
String post_body = "";
int httpCode = modem.https_post(post_body);
if (httpCode != 200) {
Serial.print("HTTP post failed ! error code = ");
The attempt fails with an error code 715.
Two observations:
- When running the code but using WiFi instead of the GSM modem, all works well
- When running the code still using the GSM modem but with a shorter URL i.e
, all works well
This leads me to wonder whether the issue is about the length of the URL and the Modem.
Could anybody shed some light on this?