"uncommented" What does that mean

I'm new at programming C-Like language and from another forum, I've came up to reading this:

It has a series of #defines that are supposed to be commented out and uncommented for the sketch you want to run.
The file comes with the APP_WISERVER uncommented. This causes the errors you are getting.

What does "uncommented" mean? It might sound like a newbee question, but i need to know.


Assuming you'll get arrogant answers and reacting to that in advance, what would be the best way to describe that ?

You can make comments in your sketch/code.
Other languages call this a remark (shorted as rem).
You can add a comment to your code by putting "//" in front of it.

// Serial.println("this line will not be printed as it is a comment");
Serial.println("This line will be printed as it has been uncommented"); //But this part will do nothing to your code but being a remark for your own reference

So if you want to solve the remark you got, put the // in front of the line that refer to APP_WISERVER.

When a line starts with // it is a comment and the computer ignores it.
If you remove the // you uncomment the line and what is written after it then becomes active.

It is used to simply remove lines without having to delete them, that way you get to be able to quickly put them back.

Yea your right, i've remove my last remarque. ok all check out what you say and give news if it help

Thanx :slight_smile:

To "comment out" code is to mark it such that it will be ignored by the computer, to "uncomment" it is to remove he markings such that the line becomes active code again.

these markings are usually done like so:

//this is a comment

but there are other ways of doing it, see here:

Oh! I see :slight_smile:

I've open the file with Caslide instead of Notepad, and every thing become's clear. I should never, ever use a simple text éditor to read coding, this is the lesson i hold

Thanx you guy. (y)