English is not my primary language, so sorry if there are any mistakes
I tried to bring my Uno R4 Wifi to work but all I get is the following Error: (Tried different sketches, but primarly with the Example->Blink)
Der Sketch verwendet 34836 Bytes (13%) des Programmspeicherplatzes. Das Maximum sind 262144 Bytes.
Globale Variablen verwenden 2460 Bytes (7%) des dynamischen Speichers, 30308 Bytes für lokale Variablen verbleiben. Das Maximum sind 32768 Bytes.
Performing 1200-bps touch reset on serial port COM4
"C:\Users\mikeg\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\tools\bossac\1.9.1-arduino5/bossac" -d --port=COM4 -U -e -w "C:\Users\mikeg\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\D862612E214AFFC3BD6079EBF03F815F/Blink.ino.bin" -R
Set binary mode
Send auto-baud
Set binary mode
No device found on COM4
Fehlgeschlagenes Hochladen: Hochladefehler: exit status 1
Im using Windows 10 and in the Device Manager when I connect the Arduino it shows in the list
In the IDE I can see the Board too
I already tried the following things and nothing worked so far:
Use different IDE (2.2.1, 1.8.19, Nightly Build)
Used different USB Cables
Tried different computer
Within IDE tried Arduino UNO R4 Boards in Version 1.0.1 and 1.0.2
Updated uno-r4-wifi-usb-bridge in version 0.2.1 (via update.bat and also via esptool with connecting the pins => both methods flashed the firmware successfully)
Double tabbed Reset Button
If I connect the Arduino it plays normally the Heart animation and then the LED with "L" is blinking. When I double Tab the Reset the LED is fading in and out. Upload is not working on either of the two states.
I also tried it with the Arduino IoT Cloud and the device shows always as offline, but when I first added it or in the Settings when I press Update Firmware, it detects my Arduino but then fails in the next step.
I read a lot of the other Solutions in the Threads here but slowly I don't know what to do.
Does somebody has any further suggestions what I can try?
First off make sure you have the latest firmware update on the ESP32, which sounds like you do.
Then I close all other IDE windows I may have open. I then try again. If that fails, I make sure Serial monitor is turned off, try again. Then I exit the IDE, and restart it. Sometimes I have to unpower the board and repower...
Thanks for your ideas. But I already tried yesterday about 4 hours different ways, like you said with closing all other IDE windows, turning it off and on again, disconnecting power etc.
I just tried it also on a MacBook but with the same Error.
Install your board's Package Core, it contains the board's driver
Double tap the reset button fast and check the status of the onboard "L" LED. If the onboard LED fade in and out slowly (pulsating), upload an example sketch (Blink LED) from the IDE to the board.
If steps #1-3, fails to resolve it, then:
Short the upload pins for the esp32s3 (check the ”ESP32-S3-MINI-1-N8 and USB Bridge” sections of Arduino UNO R4 WiFi Cheat Sheet ) then connect it to the USB port and install python too:
I was able to fix the error with the firmware update to version 0.3.0. Under Windows execute the .bat file from this folder.
After successful flashing, disconnect the Arduino from the computer and reconnect it. The Arduino should show up in the IDE as "Arduino UNO R4 WiFi" as usual.
After some more hours trying I still don't have succeeded.
Meanwhile I updated uno-r4-wifi-usb-bridge as jokna suggested but still didn't work. I also installed on an old laptop ubuntu and tried to upload from there, but same error (no device found on tty...)
I even tried to upload a sketch with Arduino Studio on Android
Maybe my board is broken. I find it strange that I can flash a new firmware but still can't upload a sketch. It's really frustrating.
I tried to upload the bootloader but didnt't get to the End, I'm not a Linux user.
I'm stuck on the command "idf.py -p /dev/ttyACM0 flash" with the following Error: CMakeList.txt not found in project directory /Arduino-Core-renesas/extras/uno-r4-wifi-usb-bridge
The last command it returns E3000105: The device is not responding, but if the previous command was not executed then I think this will fail anyway
Another strange thing is when i update the baud rate on window it changes, but after about 1-2 seconds I hear a disconnect sound and then its back on another baud rate
Just a little update, I returned the R4 and bought a Uno Wifi R2 and it worked in the first try. I think my R4 was really bricked. Maybe in the future I will return to the R4, but in the meantime I will enjoy my new board.
@doomj0ker, the issue you have should have been fixed with the FW update but since that didn't help, we will have to take a closer look at the issue. Can you write to us directly through the contact us form?
@Juraj I tried to assign a custom Port, but sometimes after flashing it also showed up on a different port. But I always tried the commands on every Port. When I tried it on a false COM port it immediatly failed with something like "Nothing connected to that port"
I contacted now the support team, maybe they have other ideas. Thanks for your help.