Update/Publish properties(variables) with V2 cloud API

Hi everyone !
It's my first post, please be kind if I say/ask something wrong.

Simple thing, I am not able to update, a parameter "last_value: false"

What I have tried

"name": "DSP",
"type" : "STATUS",
"update_strategy" :"ON_CHANGE",
"last_value": true

I was expected to not work, "last_value": true, according to the documentation this param is not part of "editable" params

Second try:

param "last_value: true" did not changed the value

How I'm supposed to do this in the right way ?

PS: According to documentation should be a PUT request, but only with OPTIONS it's working

Hi, it works as PUT. Example here:

--request PUT
--url https://api2.arduino.cc/iot/v1/things/501b68e9-2b95-4974-bdd6-5c52b2adce69/properties/dbe5d624-d625-40fb-8005-63d0e2d911a9/publish
--header 'authorization: Bearer <>'
--data '{"value": true}'

Thanks man ! Now is working.

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My mistake was that "true" or "false" should be without "