Update sketch via Ethernet on OPTA device


I'm opening this new thread about the Opta board because all the others are about a different kind of board. I bought an Opta Lite to develop a project that transforms some industrial input into web calls. The project is now ready and working in my environment, but I'll need to update the sketch with new features in the future.

I would like to update the sketch through an Ethernet connection because it is very difficult to access the electric panel where Opta is mounted, but I cannot find any suggestions.
Is there any official way to do it?
Thanks to all of you for suggestions!!


I guess you are using the Arduino IDE

So to use ethernet, you can check the following examples available on the mbedOS Core ArduinoCore-mbed/libraries/Ethernet/examples at main · arduino/ArduinoCore-mbed · GitHub

Then if you are more experienced, you can also check the raw ethernet sockets with mbedOS APIs (advanced) Socket - Handbook | Mbed

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Hi PMarquinez
Thanks for reply
Yes I use Arduino IDE, I worked with some board where was possible to connect the IDE directly by Ethernet or wifi to the board and push the sketch in, but i cannot find that way with OPTA and i dont understand if this is an wanted limitation or something else.
Thanks a lot

The Arduino Opta Lite does have Ethernet, please check the example I've shared on my previous message

Hello PMarquinez,

Maybe i don't understand something but can you please elaborate more on how to upload a simple sketch via ethernet and without the IoT cloud but on the Arduino IDE? From what i can see, i only have COM port to do that.
Many thanks,

Hello @alphagamma
Sorry, I dont know what I did on the last message :sweat_smile:

Have you tried OTA?

Right now the only way to upload sketches on the Arduino IDE is through the Serial Port on the USB

If you use the IoT Cloud, as it connects to the internet, you can upload the sketch through internet (OTA) https://docs.arduino.cc/arduino-cloud/features/ota-getting-started

Hello @PMarquinez,
thanks for the info, i already knew about the OTA but we need to serve these PLCs on some clients that they don't want to pay the subscriction for the Cloud services (at the moment, we need at least 5 PLCs so out of the free tier).
Sorry to ear this, i'm a bit disappointed on this point if the target of the Opta product is the industry sector.

Hello @alphagamma

For OTA you do not really need the subscription if you host the file on your own.

Check how to do it at https://docs.arduino.cc/tutorials/portenta-h7/over-the-air-update

Hi @PMarquinez can I use a hosted .ota file to update the Opta with an entire Arduino PLC IDE Project?
Also my understanding is that at present updating the sketch via Arduino Cloud does not allow the use of PLCIn and PLCOut functions is this correct?

