Just got a new micro. Installed IDE 2.1.1 configured the board OK then tried a Test: blink and got this message: "avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding"
Tried reset button and three different cables; same issue.
It compiles the programme OK but when I try to upload get the latter.
Did you select the correct board?
Make sure that you use a USB data cable, and not a charging cable. If the cable can be used to program a different Arduino, it is a data cable.
Why have you posted in a section with the description of do.not post here?
I have moved your pose here.
Please read the description of the section before you post.
Yes the correct board is selected. I will order a new cable then revert thanks
I replaced the Micro and ordered a new Data cable – get the same result. I downloaded the latest software IDE 2.2.0 and tried it on 2 MAC computers 11.6.3 & 13.5.1 - same result, I can compile but not upload any sketch. Bottom right of the IDE panel shows: Arduino Micro on /dev/cu Bluetooth - Incoming Port. This is the only port available in the Tool/Port dropdown.
Try a double click on the reset button once the code has compiled but before it is loaded. The Micro has to generate a USB serial port in software before it becomes available. You will know when it is because you will get another option under the port menu.
After each failed attempt look at that port menu to see if it has appeared, and select it when it does.
Have you read this:-
After much internet research and following leads on the Arduino Forum and many many resets the USB Serial Port suddenly appeared and it seems to be working Ok. I have a project to. work on so I will now get on and see if the device accepts my code. Thank for your help although I do not understand why it could not find the Serial Port after my first attempt. Also the cables I used first now work OK too, and I suspect the first Micro was also OK ????
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