urgent from breadboard to stripboard

how do i connect something similar like this from a breadboard to stripboard!!!


"connect", or "convert"?

There's some software that will assist you in laying out the strips used & cuts made & jumpers added.
I have not used personally, I'd rather build up using "island of holes" perfboard such as Velleman ECS1/2, wirewrap sockets, and 30 guage wirewrap wire.

we have got this board, but problem is don't know which bits connect where, as my "lovely" group mate think it just like breadboard plug it in and solder it, without any wire connecting each one....

Understand where the hidden connecting strips on your breadboard run so's you can "translate" that onto the stripboard (commonly called veroboard). Now look at the stripboard, observe where the copper strips run, decide where to make cuts in the copper strips to create islands of strip and where to make jumpers between strips. The example you cite is about as simple as you can get so it's a perfect beginners exercise.

We could tell you exactly where to do the cuts and joints but then you wouldn't learn anything.

Come up with your proposals and someone will critique it and, if necessary, tell you where you've gone wrong.

If you want a tutorial then have a look at this http://www.zen22142.zen.co.uk/Prac/vero_circ/vero.htm

do i just put on the stripboard in like how i put onto the breadboard? which my group mate think

i had gone through it quite a few times (the website) i still don't have much idea =(

They do sell proto boards that mimic a breadboard for layout so here is one. Have a look at how the underside looks.

Let's back up a step.

Here's how a breadboard works:

Once you understand that, you should have a better idea of how to connect components on a perfboard. Hint: where you physically place the components on a perfboard doesn't matter (usually). What's important is how the wires connect to each other.

Good luck!

so i will have the 5v connect to the resistor then the input wire then the swithc then the jumper wire and then gnd??, how would each one link to each other on the stripboard? wires?