Hi! I need to use gcode for my project. I don't need step motors or like something. I want learn how this thinks work. My plan just using 3 LED (X Led, Y Led, Z Led). I installed everything abaout needed but when i try press like Y+ button in Universal G Code Sender machine status be alarm mode and working position X=5454608, Y=5454608.4 , Z=5454608.4. Sorry for my grammer and my english .
what is g-code and how does it work - Search (bing.com)
If you really want to change a coordinate, say Z, to control a LED intensity, research how g-code controls a laser engraver.
Not clear what you are doing - are the step outputs of the Arduino running GRBL feeding the LEDs?
The alarm condition may arise because GRBL thinks you are jogging outside the soft limits set up - read up how GRBL is configured. All the commands can be sent from UGS I think, they are simple text strings. Why re you using GRBL at all? If you just want to learn how Gcode works you would be better of using a Gcode simulator on a PC - Camotics is quite good and free.
Thanks for your answers. I tried some longer but i didn't do more Now i'm reading how GRBL is configured and search how laser engaraver working with gcode
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