Using IR emitter + detector

Hello :slight_smile: i am new to using Arduino and i have the Arduino Uno. I recently bought a Infrared emitter & detector and I am planning on using this to control the speed at which LED's would switch in a traffic light system. For now however, i would just like to ask about the basics on how to use these two IR devices with my Arduino and bread board. I have tried searching alot of things and have maybe 16 tabs open, some with codes that im not very fond, so if anyone can help me can they explain how i would wire this to my Arduino Uno and my breadboard + what my code should look like? :slight_smile: Thanks!

Your post doesn't make a great deal of sense.
Have you tried the International section for your native language?

Sorry lol i wrote this very poorly, but to update my situation:

I tried this:

The LED stayed on the whole time, i tried to put my hand inbetween the emitter and detector but it still stayed on, any idea why? :S

Brilliant a perpetual motion machine.....

OK , basically you have 'misunderstood' the electronics required. There are Two types of IR transceiver setups

  1. Binary (the transceiver contains some electronics that ensures the receiver only supplies 0 OR 5volts [it acts like a wall switch])
  2. Analogue (the receiver acts like a very small 'tap', even a little IR light allows current to flow, a bigger amount allows the 'tap' to open wider, but not enough to fill a swimming pool [LED])

What you need to do, is take the receiver output currently going to the LED and link it into the base of a transistor, then link the LED to the Collector OR Emitter of the transistor, depending on if you are using a PNP or NPN transistor, you will also need a couple of resistors to bias the base lead.
Something like this: