Can someone please explain to me what exactly V-USB is? If I understand correctly, can I use it to mask my arduino as a hid device such as a mouse, or use it as a software usb to serial converter. Is this true? And how can I use it on a mac?


Have you read this page yet?


Yep. But how can I implement it?

Yep. But how can I implement it?

This seems suspect because that site has are clear explanations of what it is, the fact it works with a Mac, and tons of example projects which explains how to use it.

Okay, you might be interested in this page/board:

BTW, Both of these links/answers have been found using Google.

If you have an uno or other arduino compatible board with an ATmega8U2 then it can be programmed to act as a HID anyway.

I don't have an UNO (I have a 2009) but I was asking how I actually load the firmware on. Do I upload as a program? Do I upload with a program, and include it with #include?

Please see USnooBie - Tutorials and Projects for some tutorials, especially the RFID keyboard one, which shows you exactly how to configure and compile V-USB


Not as easy as I thought... I think I'll pass on this one unless there is another way of doing it...

Thanks anyway!

what do you find hard about it? is there something else I should have covered?

The tutorial was good, but I don't want to have to go through all that to make USB work.... my coding abilities are not there yet.

Thanks anyway!


How about this:


It's a USB to SPI converter, right? Can't I use this to program AVRs? If so, how?

@frank: when using v-usb with arduino - is the standard serial rx/tx working via the v-usb as well? P.

@pito, I don't understand your question, can you rephrase it?

V-USB does not require USART pins

@frank, the question is as follows: does the v-usb replace the need to have a separate serial interface to arduino (e.g. the ftdi one). As far as I know, the usbasp driver (fischl) does not support a serial communication to the target.
Or, what is required (e.g. drivers, libraries) in order to write a simple sketch printing a "Hello world" string in a terminal (e.g. 115200, 8N1) using the v-usb (e.g. for arduino 0022)? It is understood we are using the v-usb based bootloader, thus we can upload the sketch via the v-usb. P.


V-USB does not replace the USB-to-serial conversion. Although a project called AVR-CDC that can do it using V-USB, but it is not recommended for various reasons.

Is there any easier way in which I can program an ATtiny2313 or ATmega to except USB data and spit out SPI data, thus creating a USB-AVR programmer? That's really what I wanted to do, I don't care so much about HID and such.


Follow these directions: http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoISP and use Avrdude. More info here: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-program-a-AVR-arduino-with-another-arduin/step2/Making-the-mega-isp-programmer-on-a-breadboard/ (steps 2 and 3 are useful).

This is a perfect example as to why people should always post their full project upfront. Would have saved a page of posts...

No... I know how to do that. I just want to be able to have a direct USB link for programming (its a lot easier (or is it?) and cheaper).

What do you mean "a direct usb link for programming" ? An arduino running ArduinoIsp appears as a programmer to AvrStudio and avrdude...