Vending Machine


I want to make a desktop vending machine with an arduino uno, 6 stepper motors (Nema 17) and a keypad. I know I will also need a driver for each of the stepper motors (probably A4988). Can someone please tell me how to wire everything together and any other hardware I will need so it will work properly? A diagram would be ideal.

Also how would I go about coding it all?


I'd like to build a business that will have a turnover of $10M per year and that will make me $500k annually. I'm planning to hire 20 people to do this. I figure I need some of them working on sales.

Can somebody show me how to run this thing?

Preferably link me to some products to sell, too.

The gist of the story above is that your question shows a similarly large gap between what you've got and what you expect the community to give you, in what in the end is still your project.


You could begin by reading through some of the "Related Topics" at the bottom of this page. That should give you some ideas on how to get started.

Then, you'll need to do some research and experimentation, which will include investigating promising ideas that turn out to be dead ends. It will seem at the time to be wasted effort, but you'll learn valuable lessons in the process.

And then, when you get stuck, feel free to come back here and ask for pointers on how to get around specific problems. You'll have to include your sketch, schematics of your hardware, and clear, well lit and in focus pictures of your build.

Start with one stepper and one driver and learn how to hook up a stepper and control it.

Move on from there.

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that's easy - here is the schema

just add this small module

and you are done !


Can you power it from arduino 5V pin?

definitely. You won't damage the vending machine module if you power it that way.

:cold_face: :cold_face: :innocent:


This has to be a joke. Your choice of NEMA 17's gave it away.

What do you want the vending machine to sell?

It will just have a range of chocolate bars.

I know the rough ideas of what to do and what i need (motors, drivers etc) I just am not entirely sure what wire to connect to what.

Also will the uno be able to control 6 stepper motors?

Well that is the big thing isn't it. That is what you will have to learn. Start with one motor and one driver and a tutorial and start learning. If you get lost ask for help.

Nobody here has a ready made vending machine to give you. This isn't a free design and code service.

Do you have any recommendations on where to learn?

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Google "Arduino Stepper Tutorial" you should get a lot of different resources. Pick one that moves at your speed.


Joke aside - if you are serious about this give yourself time to reach that goal. You’ll need to learn the basics about electronics, motors, programming in C++, power management etc… this will take time depending on where you start from. If you start from scratch, and are really investing a few hours a day, we are taking probably 6 month to 1 year depending on how fast you learn… (even may be 2/3 years depending how deep you want to go)

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  1. Prepare yourself for vandals and thieves.
  2. Stock variety and standards.
  3. Search online for "arduino stepper a4988" and "how to make a vending machine"