Virtual Dial-up Server

Hello Everyone,

I was just curious to the feasibility of using an arduino as a way to connect a device with a built in 56k modem to the internet. I was thinking along the lines of using an ethernet shield to connect the arduino to the internet, then using the arduino to interpret the signal and convert it to something usable to a 56k modem. Any input would be greatly appreciated!


Getting the modem to connect would just be the start of it. Then you'd need to implement a TCP/IP stack on the arduino. You'd have to negotiate with the ISPs DHCP. Then possibly run a DHCP service on the arduino to pass the details through to your devices.

Sorry, one way or another, I think you'd run into greif unless you also have an ethernet sheild to take care of the lion share for you.

So are you suggesting that it would be possible to do with two ethernet shields/similar hardware?

Assuming you could setup the communication with the dialup modem (using RS232 interface or possibly hacking the hardware to use TTL levels). AND you have ethernet connectivity, it should be possible to get this setup to behave as a router for your network.

The arduino YUN would probably be able to cope with this quite easily, but whether the cost would be justified is another issue.