Visual studio code + arduino

Friends. Can not understand. Installed IDE version 2.0.4 and now vscode can't find libraries. How, what, where to write? Support for the old version will be discontinued. If detailed instructions?

[Warning] Output path is not specified. Unable to reuse previously compiled files. Build will be slower. See README.

Error opening sketch: main file missing from sketch: C:\Users\avsav\Documents\GitHub\Education-CS21\Set-twoFiles\add.cpp\add.cpp.ino

[Warning] Failed to generate IntelliSense configuration.

Hi @avsavushkiny. Arduino IDE 2.x can not be used with the "Visual Studio Code extension for Arduino. The reason is that, unlike Arduino IDE 1.x, Arduino IDE 2.x does not have a command line interface for compiling and uploading sketches.

However, this is not a problem. Arduino created a dedicated command line tool for this purpose named Arduino CLI, and the VS Code extension can be used with Arduino CLI:

This is actually a significant improvement because it means you only need to install a small single executable file that provides the exact functionality required instead of an entire IDE application with thousands of files summing to hundreds of megabytes for GUI functionality you don't even use.

do cli commands need to be entered in the vscode console?

If you are using the "Visual Studio Code extension for Arduino", no.

Okay, everything worked, except for the boards based on rp2040 and esp32. The boards are selected from the list, but the download does not proceed.

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