Voice Recognition Module V3

Hi All,

Been a while since I've been here so good to be back :slight_smile:
This subject is more for the people who already used this module or for those who have
the knowledge and information about this module. Myself I ordered this module a while back and soon
I'm expecting to work with it.


Voice Recognition Module V3

Up to 80 voice commands, 3 or 4 groups of 7 commands at the same time (combination)
7 output pins, communication through RX/TX for recording voice commands.

I provided some general information about this module as I've read myself on the Internet but
couldn't find specific answers.

  1. As this module has only 7 output pins 0/1 signals as I understand, is this module capable to
    only and only have 7 output or there is a way to combine the outputs to get more output commands.

example what I mean,
0 to 6 or 1 to 7, output pins with digital 0/1 signals, 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (the 1 meaning that I've send a voice command), but is it possible to combine the pins for more outputs, like (sending same voice command)
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 or 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 ..etc

This module sounds to be good but having so many voice commands and only 7 outputs ...

So if indeed there is only 7 outputs is there an alternative for more than 7 ?

Best Regards,

I've never use it, but you say "up to 80 commands".

With 7 binary bits you can "count" from zero to 127, so there are 128 different "states". That's 0000000 to 1111111 like this:

000 0000 (0)
000 0001 (1)
000 0010 (2)
000 0011 (3)
000 0100 (4)…

(It's "traditional" to write the bits in groups of 4 because it's easier for humans to read and you can convert each group or 4 bits into exactly one hexadecimal digit, and it's easier to convert between hex and binary than to convert between decimal and binary.)

I think you misunderstood my question, what I meant is this circuit got only 7 output digiral signals, meaning if I send a voice command it will have and output of 0/1, 1 meaning the circuit got activated cause of the voice command.

Is this circuit capable to only output 7 signals thru 7 pins or there is other way to get more than 7?
Cause having the capability of 80 voice commands and having only to control/7 output signals that's
kinda not my expectations.
