I am attempting to write a string from a python application (Integer converted to string for use with PySerial) and for whatever reason when i use this code to parse it on the arduino side it simply doesnt work. if i send a '4' through the serial monitor to the arduino it sets the pin that corresponds with the number high and then low like its supposed to. however if my software sends a '4' it doesn't respond at all.
Below is my Arduino Code
float bitsTime[255] = {}; //
void setup()
delay(500); // prevents outputs from momentarily going high during startup.
void loop()
float lastActivation = millis();
for (int i=0; i <8 ; i++ ) {
if( lastActivation - bitsTime[i] < 33.3 ) { // has to be the frame time set in software or else it will cause flickering due to serial data only being sent once every 33.3ms
else {
if (Serial.available() > 0 ) {
String a = Serial.readString();
int test = a.toInt();
bitsTime[test] = millis();
and here is the function on the python side that sends data through the serial port:
def shiftOutBit(bit,frame):
bittosearch = bit
bitList = bit.split(" ")
for x in bitList:
because most of the time we have multiple different numbers being sent " " is used as a deliminator and then it is converted into a list with each value being written one at a time to the arduino.
I really don't understand why this isn't working properly. I apologize if this isn't a good description its my first time posting here. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you