Wemos D1 Mini - high consumption in deep sleep

I am also interested in this topic, but more into the original version of these boards, v4.0.0
I have two versions of Wemos D1 mini:

I measured the current draw in deep-sleep (with NOTHING else connected to the wemos pins) and I have 0.2mA using the v2.3.0 clone and 38mA using the v4.0.0 original.
The original wemos draw WAY too much in deep-sleep. Interesting to find out that a clone is better that the original :frowning:

Another thing that buzzes me, with the original Wemos, is that I have 5V on the 3V3 pin and also on ALL the IO pins, instead of having 3.3V, as per specifications. Did they increase the core voltage to 5V without mentioning this?
Did anyone else used the original v4.0.0 Wemos version? Is my sample broken, or these versions just suck?