Hi guys, I am trying to find out, how can i connect 4 motors(with l293D Driver) and 5 ultrasonic sensors, and also Receiver in Arduino Nano. I am gonna control the speed of the respective motor with respect to the sensor output. I know that it can connect all but theoretically, if i change the analog pins into digital pins. Either way, if I do that there is no pins i can find to configure the Receiver board. So how can i make it possible? Any suggestions would be glad to hear from u guys. Thanks in Advance.
Post schematic and details of components. What problem are you having in connecting them
This is kind of experimenting project am doing. So, I didn't finalize the schematics and components yet. All I am doing is a just finding that is Arduino nano is compatible for all the components. As Mentioned in the description, I cant find any pins to connect the receiver board after if I connect the driver and sensors. I am looking for a solution that, is there controller that can take care any one(motor or ultrasonic sensors) and connect it to the nano through any protocol(i2c or SPI)? then no worry to configure the pins for the rest of the components.
The ultrasonic sensors can share the same trigger pin, so 6 pins required in total.
The l293 can drive 4 motors (direction is not needed, as far as we know) so will require 4 PWM output pins.
Some receivers require only 1 pin, so let's assume your receiver only requires 1 pin.
That's 11 pins in total. You don't even need to use analog pins as digital pins.
Well, Ultrasonic sensors pins seems like ok. But I want to control the speed and also the direction of each motors, I doubt that L293D driver can take care of that? and Receivers - am on it.
Are there any other things you need that you have not told us yet? It can be very frustrating when we give the best advice we can but later you reveal some more things that you need that you did not say before. It's better to describe the overall purpose of the project so that we can make assumptions that are more likely to be accurate.
If you do a schematic of your peripherals then there is no issue. Then you can post a picture of it and ask specific questions rather than a vague 'what's in the mystery box' type of thing. Or you could try and go back and forth for 20 posts slowly revealing more and more of the mystery box.
Isn't there a risk of receiving an echo from the wrong transmitter if they are all triggered at the same time?
@vasanth00 should check in with @cvinothkumar who seems to have nearly the exact same question.
Yes, I guess there would be with the sensors in some configurations. If the sensors are aimed in different directions, I expect it would be ok.
@vasanth00 how many in your class? Are you organised into teams, or can we expect 30+ similar questions?
I didn't know that someone else has the same problem like mine. But I will check that out.
As I said, This is a kind of experimenting work I am trying to do. So far my concern is I am gonna use 4 motors, to control the speed(from 0 to max) and direction(Forward and Backward) of each motors, L293D motor driver, and 5 ultrasonic sensors and a receiver board. I want to connect this all in a single Arduino Nano. Sorry for the trouble. Hope u @PaulRB get it now.
And the ultrasonic sensors are going to be placed in different directions.
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