What sensor noise filter should I choose?

Hi, I am writing code for an ultrasonic sensor, encoder, and BNO055 in Arduino.
What filters, such as the Kalman filter, 1st order low pass filter, and 2nd order low pass filter, should I use to suppress the unwanted noise from these sensors' measurements (smooth out the measurements)?
When should I use the Kalman filter over the low pass filter and vice versa?

Thank you in advance.

First, eliminate the cause of the noise.

Write some code separately of each sensor, then evaluate how much noise you have.

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

And see if you can eliminate in hardware ( 2nd)

With any of them, realize that you are trading noise and bandwidth. Super smooth output can't be obtained without introducing a corresponding lag in the response.

A Kalman filter is typically applied simultaneously to some combination of sensor state streams. The others are applied individually to a single signal stream.

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