Where is hex or binary output file?

I m new to the Arduino so please excuse any stupid questions.

I just installed Arduino 0018 and loaded teh AnnalogInOutSerial to test. It comiled/verified ok.

My question is, where is either a .hex or .bin file created holding the data to be downloaded to the arduino, or any compatible hardware? is it only in the environment and lost when quitting the environment?
Can it only be transfered from the environment?

running under linux.


Typically, the products are stored in a sub-directory of the temporary directory. Just after verifying, search the TEMP directory for *.hex files.

Under linux, IIRC, it is stored in the /tmp (in the root of the filesystem) - and each project (once again, IIRC) is given a unique, but undecipherable (actually, I think it is some kind of timestamp) directory/folder name in /tmp, and inside that directory is the hex file you are looking for.

I think that it is cleared or replaced when you do a recompile and/or upload, and I am not sure what happens when you close down the IDE (I can't remember if it remains behind or whatnot).


Is there some chance that this can be configured so that we can get to the compiler/linker output files if we want them?

What about an assembly listing file?

Does someone know how to manually compile and link?

I would not want this every time I compile, but I need them once in a while.

Is there some chance that this can be configured so that we can get to the compiler/linker output files if we want them?

In the IDE you have the compile button and the upload button. Press them while holding the shift button and you get an amazing amount of information. Including the name of the temp directory.

What about an assembly listing file?

You have to dive in the AVR tools directory, I recall "avr-objdump.exe -d" and there my knowledge stops :slight_smile:

Does someone know how to manually compile and link?

See above

Wow, that is a lot of stuff.
Is there a makefile or does the IDE control all of the compiling/linking.?

Wow, that is a lot of stuff.


Is there a makefile or does the IDE control all of the compiling/linking.?

guess the IDE does this, you can search for a makefile in the temp folder :slight_smile:

Is there a makefile or does the IDE control all of the compiling/linking.?

I believe that older versions of the Arduino IDE generated a makefile but I think now the IDE does it directly. Don't quote me on that. :wink: I'm a click upload and hope there is no red stuff printed in the output window kind of guy. ;D
