Where to look the schematics of Opta?

There is no schematics in the datasheet of Opta. Where can I watch it? This question is probably for the developers of ArduinoTeam.

it's a third party product (from Finder), the partnership with Arduino seems to be on the software side.
Finder might not feel relevant to release schematics, it's not an open design

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The Finder info is here - including contact details:

The schematics of the Arduino Opta are not public.

It would be useful if the closed-source products were clearly identified as such.

Especially as Arduino is best-known for open-source - and, indeed, does itself make much of that:

See also:

We'll note that feedback, thanks.


Is it true that all Arduino PRO hardware is closed-source?


Not all of the PRO family boards are closed-source

For example the Portenta Breakout is fully open-source

Then on the Portenta H7 it is not 100% open-source, we do not publish the PCB design, but we do publish the schematics of the board, core and so on. https://docs.arduino.cc/hardware/portenta-h7

I See - thanks.

All the more important, then, to clearly identify which parts are open and which are not.

Also which parts are 3rd-party.

Finder Opta is a very very intersting product, maybe the only one naturally qualified for profesional -industrial- environments. We expected that an Arduino-based device would follow Arduino principes -that's why we're all here-.

In my case, the project is fading to black due to ADC lack of performance. The ADC front-end is clear to me, but I suspect that ADC reference/S&H times may be improved (code?/hard?) difficult to know without a schematic.

Can I flash the Opta Wi-Fi STM32 at 0x0800 like the Giga R1 Wi-Fi? Or does it have a flakey PMIC like the H7


You can find now the schematics of Opta at: https://docs.arduino.cc/hardware/opta/

Direct link:


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