Which Arduino device to apply multiples small voltages


For an artistic project connected to the subject of my PhD, I would like use one Arduino devices, but I don’t know which one is the most adapted. In this project, I need to apply a multitude of small voltages (from +0.8 to -0.8V) to large array of electrodes (the voltages need to be applied all together so a scanning technic like to one presented in the LED 8*8 matrix would not work). So far, I’m using the analog output of a DAQ device (NI USB-6008), but here number is limited to two. What would you recomand ?

Thanks for your help,

I need to apply a multitude of small voltages (from +0.8 to -0.8V) to large array of electrodes (the voltages need to be applied all together

My crystal ball is in repair.

-Define "large" array
-Are you willing to use one DAC per electrode?
-What are the timings?
-What are the currents flowing into the electrodes?

There are many DAC on the market at your choice. SPI interface allows for any number of devices, I2C can be fooled for many devices as well.