Windows 10 Pro Protenta Driver not listed in Device Manager

Arduino Pro IDE - Alpha 0.1.3
OS: Windows 10 Pro Version: 19042.804
Tutorial: "Verify the USB connection (Windows only)" Driver1.png attached not the same as tutorial.
Universal Serial Bus devices not listed but have "Universal Serial Device (COM9) under PORTS
Used COM9 for actions in file portenta upload.txt
How can I correct the driver?
Can I download the correct driver?
Can I manually delete the Microsoft USB Serial Device and replace it with the Portenta Driver?
Thank you,

Further attempt:
Refer to text file attachment at end "Protenta Upload2.txt
Installed Arduino Pro IDE - Alpha 0.1.4
Installed Protentah7.inf using dpinst-amd64.exe in folder:
In device Manager under PORTS have "USB Serial Device (COM3)"
In Arduino Pro IDE Tools -> Port have:
COM3 (Arduino Portenta H7 (M7 Core))
COM3 (Arduino Portenta H7(Thread Debug))
In Arduino Pro IDE Tools ->Board "(Arduino Portenta H7 (M7 Core)"
In drop down list had to select "Select other board & Port" then scroll down to "Arduino Portenta H7 (M7 Core)"
Then clicked upload arrow: see text file below "Protenta Upload2.txt"
Different from Arduino tutorial.
Is this correct?




portenta upload.txt (11.1 KB)


portenta upload2.txt (4.7 KB)

Installed Protentah7.inf using dpinst-amd64.exe in folder:

With the recent versions of Arduino Pro IDE, this is not necessary. You will automatically get a prompt offering to run dpinst-amd64.exe and install the Portenta driver at the finish of installing the Arduino Mbed OS Boards platform via Boards Manager.

There was a bug in older versions of Arduino Pro IDE that caused it to skip the driver installation, but that has been fixed. You can try it out by using Boards Manager to install Arduino Mbed OS Boards 1.3.1. After that, be sure to install 1.3.2 again so you won't be using an outdated version. You will find the installation is much faster than the first time because the IDE caches the downloaded installation files, so it only needs to extract them from the cache to install.

Thank you for the reply Pert. Prior to installing Pro IDE 0.4.2 I only deleted everything that came from Pro IDE 0.1.3
I did not delete anything in C:\Users\kevin\AppData\Local\Arduino15
Once I extracted Pro IDE 0.4.2 the board core 1.3.2 was listed as "installed.
Should I totally clean everything out then install Pro IDE 0.4.2 ?

I did not delete anything in C:\Users\kevin\AppData\Local\Arduino15

That's fine. There is no need to clear that folder under any normal circumstances.

Once I extracted Pro IDE 0.4.2 the board core 1.3.2 was listed as "installed.

Yeah, as you probably learned already, Boards Manager installs everything under C:\Users\kevin\AppData\Local\Arduino15.

Should I totally clean everything out then install Pro IDE 0.4.2 ?

It's not necessary. The only reason I mentioned reinstalling Arduino Mbed OS Boards in my previous comment was in case you wanted to test whether the automatic driver installation system is working. If you tried it and found that it was still not working, that would definitely be of interest to the Arduino Pro IDE developers (and Arduino CLI developers as well, since it's done by that tool) because it would be a serious bug. But if you're only interested in getting back to having fun with your Portenta H7, then it sounds like you're all set as is.

Hi Pert,
Here is what I did:
Arduino Pro IDE 0.1.4
Arduino mbed-enabled Boards by Arduino Version 1.3.2
Selected Uninstall Board
"uninstalling arduino:mbed"
No message advising "completed"
Selected INSTALL 1.3.1
downloading arduino:openocd@0.10.0-arduino13
downloading arduino:bossac@1.9.1-arduino2
downloading arduino:dfu-util@0.9.0-arduino2
downloading arduino:mbed@1.3.1
Board Manager:
Version: 1.3.1 Installed
No message to select portenta driver
Selected INSTALL 1.3.2
downloading arduino:mbed@1.3.2
Version: 1.3.2 Installed
No message to select portenta driver
Plugged in Protenta H7
"USB Serial Device (COM3)" appears in Device Manager
Properties: Microsoft 21/06/2006 10.0.19041.1
Cl;cked Drop-down list and selected "Arduino Portenta H7 (M7 core) at COM3"
Uploaded Blink_M7 runs ok
Notification: "Couldn't start client Arduino Language Server"

Still no Arduino Driver available on my PC?

Would you expect Driver "Microsoft 21/06/2006 10.0.19041.1" to work correctly?

I have never sighted the Protenta Driver and do not know what is different from the Microsoft Driver.

I also have Arduino Classic IDE installed version 1.18.13

Shall I uninstall both Classic IDE and Pro IDE and everything in C:\Users\kevin\AppData\Local\Arduino15 and try installing latest Pro IDE ?

"uninstalling arduino:mbed"
No message advising "completed"

The "Uninstallation in progress" dialog disappears when the process finishes. I have noticed that when using Arduino Pro IDE I'm sometimes left watching the output window waiting for the process to finish, when it actually is already done, so it might be good for Arduino to investigate whether the IDE could provide better feedback to the user.

No message to select portenta driver

I have been running the exact same processes as you with the same Arduino Pro IDE version and I get the User Account Control confirmation window every time:

Do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device?


Like this, but with the path pointing to the mbed folder instead of samd:

Since this is from User Account Control, it's probably dependend on the Windows security settings. You may have your settings at a permissive level that doesn't cause you to get the User Account Control confirmations, allowing the Pro IDE to install the driver silently.

Plugged in Protenta H7
"USB Serial Device (COM3)" appears in Device Manager
Properties: Microsoft 21/06/2006 10.0.19041.1
Cl;cked Drop-down list and selected "Arduino Portenta H7 (M7 core) at COM3"
Uploaded Blink_M7 runs ok

Sounds like everything is working perfectly.

Notification: "Couldn't start client Arduino Language Server"

The Arduino Language Server is still in the alpha development phase, so you can expect to see this sort of message frequently when using Arduino Pro IDE. The language server is only used for auto complete and indicating potential problems with your code in the "Problems" window, so it's only a convenience feature and it not being able to run won't have any impact on the core functionality of Arduino Pro IDE or your Portenta. The classic Arduino IDE doesn't even have a language server.

Still no Arduino Driver available on my PC?

Would you expect Driver "Microsoft 21/06/2006 10.0.19041.1" to work correctly?

It's all good. If you can upload to your Portenta then the driver is fine. I see the same thing in my Device Manager.

Shall I uninstall both Classic IDE and Pro IDE and everything in C:UserskevinAppDataLocalArduino15 and try installing latest Pro IDE ?

I don't think it's necessary.

@pert Thank you for your reply. At the same time I was writing an addition to my bug report in Github:

Looking at the latest nightly install for Windows I note that it still contains a driver : portentah7.inf
Please confirm that the Portenta driver makes no difference to the operation of the Arduino Pro IDE when the IDE is installed on the Windows OS.

On Github I have included a log file 2021-02-16_log.log
At the top is a warning that "WARN please install @theia/electron@1.8.0-next.e2098321 as a runtime dependency"
Should I resolve this?
Many thanks,

I was writing an addition to my bug report in Github:
Portenta Driver not listed in Device Manager · Issue #59 · arduino/arduino-ide · GitHub

Thanks! I'm monitoring that issue tracker as well as the forum.

Looking at the latest nightly install for Windows I note that it still contains a driver : portentah7.inf
Please confirm that the Portenta driver makes no difference to the operation of the Arduino Pro IDE when the IDE is installed on the Windows OS.

That driver is installed automatically when you install Arduino Mbed OS boards via Boards Manager.

On Github I have included a log file 2021-02-16_log.log
At the top is a warning that "WARN please install @theia/electron@1.8.0-next.e2098321 as a runtime dependency"
Should I resolve this?

No, that's fine. I get the same warning and Arduino Pro IDE works perfectly for me.

@pert Thank you again for your replies.
Back to the beginning when I raised this issue and the cause of my concern:
"Tutorial: "Verify the USB connection (Windows only)" Driver1.png attached not the same as tutorial."
How does a portenta beginner avoid being miss directed by the tutorial:
3. Verify the USB connection (Windows only)
In this step you will check if Windows is able to detect the Portenta H7. To do so open the Windows Device manager and if everything is set up correctly you will be able to see your device listed under USB devices. Otherwise, try unplugging it and plugging it back in.
Over a period of eleven months there has been no attempt to correct this statement.

Back to the beginning when I raised this issue and the cause of my concern:
"Tutorial: "Verify the USB connection (Windows only)" Driver1.png attached not the same as tutorial."
How does a portenta beginner avoid being miss directed by the tutorial:

Thanks you so much for reporting this issue. I have already passed it along to the people at Arduino in charge of the tutorial and they are going to investigate.

Over a period of eleven months there has been no attempt to correct this statement.

What are you referring to by "eleven months"? Is that the time since the tutorial was published, or was there a previous report of the issue?

I ask because it might be useful to the Arduino Pro documentation team to have a reference to any other reports (I already shared this forum thread and your GitHub issues with them), in case it provides any additional context.

@pert Thank you for your further comment.
At the bottom of the tutorial: "Reviewed by: Jose Garcia [18.03.2020]"
A further quote from the tutorial : "If the Portenta H7 is detected correctly, it will be listed in the device manager under USB devices."

Have you ever seen this happen?

I have been a member of this forum since January 2010. Just over 11 years. I wonder how many years I need to become a Newbie ++
My firsy Arduino project was "RobotShop Rover Development Platform User Manual v1.5 2012 and used arduino programming notebook brian w. evans 2008
Well at 80 years old perhaps I should be pleased you think I am young?

A further quote from the tutorial : "If the Portenta H7 is detected correctly, it will be listed in the device manager under USB devices."

Have you ever seen this happen?

I never bothered to look. I only go to Device Manager when something is wrong. If I plug in my Arduino board and it shows up under the IDE's ports menu and I can upload then I'm happy enough.

I have been a member of this forum since January 2010. I wonder how many years I need to become a Newbie ++

Haha! The funny labels are based on number of posts. You're only 44 away from becoming a "junior". I guess you're granted a second childhood here.

I guess it would be cool to have another one for people who have been around long enough to have a post in the "Forum 2005-2010 (read only)" board.

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