it it posable to simply, send a value (from a java program) to my arduion (with the wiSheild) and then have it do something according to that? theres no guide to all the comands, for the wisheild! its frustateing! please help.
What was the response when you asked your question in the async labs forum?
Thanks for spamming the forums! (This is a Multi-Post! Nobody answer this question.)
Thanks for spamming the forums! (This is a Multi-Post! Nobody answer this question.)
Having a bad day? Tried decaf?
Have you tried any of the sample sketches?
I would get one of them working first.
theres no guide to all the comands
What would you need?
On their page you got examples where you got so you can
- Logon the wifi
- Use WEB
- Use WPA
- Use WPA2
- Send data
- Recieve data
- Validate revieved data
That should be enough to be able to use it?
@zoomkat: No, not really... I just don't like people who post the same thing in different areas over and over and over...
And decaf sucks... I like caffine!