WiShieldOSC Library?

Does anyone still have the WiShieldOSC library for the Async WiShield and would you be willing to send it to me? I have some older projects that used this libary but the libary is now locked out on a hard drive that failed a while back. I've tried everything short of professional hard drive recovery and so far getting into that drive is just not going to happen.

The library was originally hosted at: https://github.com/bzztbomb/WiShieldOSC which does not exist any longer. If anyone could help me out, I would be super grateful.

Hi George

I am also curious for this library.
Could you inform me if you'll find it back?

Also found this link. Seems the developer of WiShieldOSC continued his work in this project...
I'll study it and will try if it is usefull.
