Hi! I'm putting together a little project to control a 6V, 110mA solenoid air valve. My aim is just to open and close the valve, without frying any electronics. I'd also like to ideally run it off the 5V provided by the board. Would anybody be willing to check my work? This is the first time I've done this, and I'm pretty new to electronics design. Thanks in advance!
The circuit is based on this:
Solenoid Driver Circuit
I don't use the same components as what the schematic calls for, since the schematic is for a 12-24V solenoid, and I'm using a 6V @ 110mA solenoid. I only used the schematic to figure out what type of component I needed, and where to place it in the circuit (ie: resistor goes here, transistor goes there, etc.). I chose my specific components based on what I've read about the function of each component, and how to source the correct specs of each component.
I'm using:
6V, 110mA Solenoid Valve
270-Ohm Resistor
2N3904 NPN Transistor
IN4001 Diode
Arduino Uno R3
And, here is a link to my circuit:
Circuit Attempt
I started from the device I wanted to control and worked backwards, when sourcing my parts. I'm not sure if this is the best way to design a circuit.
Anyways, I knew it needed 6V and drew a current of 110mA. The way I understand this, the transistor sourced in the diagram I am working off of would have amplified the 40mA from the board too much, so I went with a transistor which only amplifies the current to 200mA. Not even sure if this is the correct way to think, but it's how I understand this based on what I've read.
I sourced the resistor based off Ohm's law: V/I=R. 6V/.11A = 55-ohms. I picked the 270-ohm resistor since it's what I had on hand, and is above the 55-ohm, so it works.
Not sure about the diode. I only picked that one because 1) I had it on hand, and 2) it was similar to what is in that schematic, but with lower values in its specs. To be honest, I don't really understand how to source a diode yet. Could somebody be willing to explain it in simple terms?
Again, thank you for reading this long post. Cheers!