WS2801 Strip Dim Light

I have about 10m of WS2801 connected to my arduino.

At the start, middle, and end, i have connected more power to prevent voltage drop. All the grounds are common and the power is comming a single 12v power supply.

The strip responds to data and signal correctly. However, one pixel of the strip stays on all the time, very very dimly.

SO, if i choose RED, red will be very bight, but i'll still see a speck of Green and Blue lit up on the LED. If i choose Green, green will be very bright, but i'll see a speck of red and blue. The IC's before and after this IC work correctly. (this IC also works correctly, except for full off)

Off, their will a very dim speck of rbg light on aswell.

What could be causing this?

It would be obvious that the chip is faulty.

To double check, presuming your strip of LEDs is in more than one piece, you try swapping the order of the pieces. If the same LED retains the fault, it is clearly damaged. If the fault moves to another, then there is something very strange about your code. Almost certainly a damaged chip however.

that's what i was afraid of...

it's kind of strange that the ic still works for the most part.....

it will fade and change the color of the LEDs and foward data to the next chip.

this is in a permanent installation, if I was going to move it, I'd just replace it....

could this one bad IC cause other ics to get damaged? (should I replace it now or can I just wait to it fails completely )

Could it be that the chip has a bad/marginal solderjoint?

Could it be that the chip has a bad/marginal solder joint?

That would cause the LED to go off, not on!

could this one bad IC cause other ics to get damaged? (should I replace it now or can I just wait to it fails completely )

No. Whatever suits.