A project for learning braille using FSR

Im currently in junior high, trying to create a prototype for a project about using FSR in translating braille characters into speech. We're currently halfway (I think), we've finished the code and hardware for the FSR( 6 individual FSR for each individual bumps of the braille character) and now tackling the hardware for translating the inputs of the sensors. any suggestion on how we might finish this project?, we're only using one arduino uno (R3) board because our school let us borrow ir, we're thinking about using Text to speech in translating the given inputs of the sensors

This is the code we've used for the sensors:

int pressureAnalogPins[] = {0, 4, 5}; // Pins where our pressure pads are located
int numPressureAnalogPins = 3; // Number of pressure analog pins
int pressureReading; // Variable for storing our reading

// Adjust these if required.
int noPressure = 2; // Max value for no pressure on the pad
int lightPressure = 50; // Max value for light pressure on the pad
int mediumPressure = 100; // Max value for medium pressure on the pad
void setup(void) {
void loop(void) {
  for (int i = 0; i < numPressureAnalogPins; i++) {
    int currentPressureAnalogPin = pressureAnalogPins[i];
    pressureReading = analogRead(currentPressureAnalogPin);
    Serial.print("Pressure Pad ");
    Serial.print(i + 1);
    Serial.print(" Reading = ");

    if (pressureReading < noPressure) {
      Serial.println(" - No pressure");
    } else if (pressureReading < lightPressure) {
      Serial.println(" - Light Pressure");
    } else if (pressureReading < mediumPressure) {
      Serial.println(" - Medium Pressure");
    } else {
      Serial.println(" - High Pressure");

This would greatly help 6 students tryna pass a subject, thank you so much in advance

Please show the code that uses all 6 of the FSR pins.

The code i've posted is the code that we used for the FSR pins, the only thing that happens is that we know that there is an output for each of the 6 fsr pins, we haven't connected it elsewhere

Are you going to use this code to continue your project, or start completely over again? You know this works a bit, so add the rest of the necessary code and continue with your development. Time is a wasting!

yep, we're continuing this project prior to that code, the only problem is that I haven't learn about the hardware of Text to speech an how to connect it with the sensors

I haven't either. However, the code you show is a very long way from being useful as input to a text to speech system. The first problem I see is there is no way to identify the end of a word that might be combined with previous words to make "text".

The input to a text to speech engine is text, not sensor values. You have to create text first.

Forget completely anything about text to speech at this point. Get your code to output text. Once you can output text, then you can work on sending that text to a text to speech engine.

Is it possible to translate these sensor outputs into text? If so how can we make it possible

A wired sensor will give analog-to-digital voltage levels (1024 steps from 0 to 5), or digital voltage levels (0 or 5). You will use that to make a computer speak.

Yes. That's called reading Braille. That's what your whole project is about. You read the sensors and decide what letter you have. Then add that letter to a string of text. When you get to some point, maybe a punctuation mark, then you send the text to some speech engine.

There's not much an Arduino can do as a speech engine. You'll probably be sending it to some website or to a computer if you want text to speech. But put all of that on the back burner for now. You can't do anything about text to speech until you have text.

The actual first step though will be to forget about Braille too. Just start with one FSR and the Arduino and see if you can get readings from it. Just get the reading and print it out.

If you can then hook up all of them and see if you can read them all and print their values to the screen.

Then start thinking about how to arrange them to read a Braille letter. You'll have to have some condition for each sensor to decide if there's a dot there or not.

But start with just one FSR. Learn that first. Little steps are the way to get these sorts of big projects done.

Thank you guys so much for helping <33