12 V Regulator

Hi. I'm using a 12 V regulator to power some computer fans. Is it necessary to use capacitors with the regulator or will it be fine without them. Thanks.

In general, you should use what the datasheet says.

If a (relatively) constant load like a fan is present, they are probably not necessary.

If a (relatively) constant load like a fan is present, they are probably not necessary.

Yes they are.
Anyway a fan is inductive and noisy so you defiantly need them with a fan.

There has been a flurry of these posts recently, I don't know what caused it but if any professional electronic engineer insisted in not putting caps on regulators he would be sacked, and quite rightly.

Thanks. The data sheet says nothing about capacitors. What amount should I use?

I doubt that can you link the data sheet?

Here is the data sheet.

Page 2 second paragraph. They say 0.33uF, and all the example circuits have 0.1uF on in and out.

Thank you so much.

There has been a flurry of these posts recently, I don't know what caused it ...

It's a conspiracy to rile you up. They switch back and forth between voltage regulator capacitors, bypass capacitors on ICs, and the capacitor on the shift register clock line.
