12864B LCD turns off after upload of code

Hello everyone,

I tried to use an example U8g2 library code to test out my 12864B LCD but it happened that it would show an image for a few seconds and then shut off showing just a blue screen.

I had it for a while but never used it. Maybe that caused the issue?
I tried to change the potentiometer settings without sucess.

These are the images of the display:


Has it stopped working?
Was the example clearing the screen?
Check for loose wires or intermittent breadboard first.
Also, found this:

To use U8g2 library you need to connect LCD R/W pin to Arduino board GND pin and LCD RST pin to Arduino board analog pin A1.

As @xfpd said check the wires l. The wires connection should be tight to reduce error in data transmission.
Also try uploading different examples and check if they work properly

Hi, thanks for the advice!

I made it work by connecting the LCD directly to the arduino but hasn´t managed to make it work with a breadboard yet.
I was able to upload and run the test codes that come with U8g2 library.

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