Other Hardware
Home Automation Domotics, remote sensing and controlling, internet of things Motors, Mechanics, Power and CNC Controlling big heavy things that move, need high voltages, high current, or both. Also Arduino CNC, GRBL, G-CODE related issues. General Electronics Resistors, capacitors, breadboards, soldering, etc. LEDs and Multiplexing Controlling lots of inputs and outputs Storage Using Arduino to interface SD cards, floppy drives, hard drives, EEPROMs, etc Hardware Development Shields you are designing or that you think would be nice to have, Arduino compatible platforms, board comparisons, etc. Device Hacking Looking into existing technologies, reappropriation of devices, tricks of the trade Product Design Creating interactive prototypes of future devices Robotics Platforms, motors, algorithms and sensors to conform robotics projects Audio Sound processing and generation, using WAV and MP3 players, using MIDI Science and Measurement Microcontrollers in scientific projects, logging and representing data Interactive Art Art installations, wearable objects, music instruments, projects from the arts field Displays LCDs, OLEDs, PAL, NTSC, etc. Sensors sensors, analog inputs, filtering, etc. 3rd Party Boards Boards/shields/modules from 3rd parties, standalone microcontrollers