32x32 led rgb matrix pannel ghosting

hi everyone, this is my first time posting here since i used to find all my answers already answered on here.
im tying to get my 32x32 matrix working but if i print a character or pixel it has a "ghost" pixel or character underneath it.

im using a 5v3a powersupply and an arduino mega ive tripple checked the wiring and idk whats wrong.

this is my code:

#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>   // Core graphics library
#include <RGBmatrixPanel.h> // Hardware-specific library

#define CLK 11  // MUST be on PORTB! (Use pin 11 on Mega)
#define OE  9
#define LAT 10
#define A   A0
#define B   A1
#define C   A2
#define D   A3

RGBmatrixPanel matrix(A, B, C, D, CLK, LAT, OE, false);

void setup() {

 matrix.setCursor(0, 0);    // start at top left, with one pixel of spacing
 matrix.setTextSize(1);     // size 1 == 8 pixels high
 matrix.setTextWrap(false); // Don't wrap at end of line - will do ourselves


void loop() {


i hope someone can help me with this :).

*edit: i have uploaded some photos of what happens with the code above


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