4 Motors with Arduino Uno


I am trying to control 4 motors with an Arduino Uno for a car project. With my current setup I do not have enough PWM ports for all 4 motors is there any way to use just 1 PWM for each motor or can I use the same PWM port for multiple motors? Also, I am using a 9v battery with 4 DC3V-12V DC motors should I upgrade my power source?

Motor Link- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08M45JWMD?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1


Take a look at

Firstly, your motors are for 12V and did not work well with 9V.
They ask for strength.
And above all, this type of battery is not recommended for engines, especially for powering 4 engines.

These batteries cannot supply much current. Just a few milliamps.

You can use one Uno PWM pin to drive multiple inputs on the L291D. For instance, you might have a PWM output pin driving both motors on the left-side of the vehicle and similarly on the right-side of the vehicle.

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