5V Interpration

Does this mean that I need to solder/short those two pads for 5V out to work?

Per https://docs.arduino.cc/tutorials/nano-33-ble-rev2/cheat-sheet/

5 V on that pin is available only when two conditions are met: you make a solder bridge on the two pads marked as VUSB and you power the Nano 33 BLE Rev2 through the USB port.

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Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Had developed something on a plain Nano but wanted to add IOT and I was pulling my hair out. Nothing complicated but the NeoPixel LED string wouldn't work with the Nano 33IOT. Worked fine with the regular version. Double checked pinouts, everything. Then I read this. Shorted out the pads and now everything works.

Not the first 5V problem I've had. If you power from USB then the 5V pin really only reads ~4.5V. That's fine for many things like LEDs, but the Grove LCD RGB 16x2 display starts to fad out below an actual 5V. Took me a while until I realized this because on the test bench I was powering from USB but in the actual application it was power directly from the 5V power supply that powered the board. Also if you're using an 5V supply and you connect it to Vin, you'll find there's not enough for the regulator to give a full 5V on the 5V pin either. The Nano works okay but external things might not. The Vin probably needs 6V minimum.

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