Hello, I am currently planning my first bigger arduino project and I have wondered what if two modules say like "Hey, I want to use pin Digital 10 (in example)". Could someone explain how I do this while not using the most complex words?
Someone could, but you have not given us anything useful on which to formulate a decent response.
How to get the best out of this forum - Using Arduino / Project Guidance - Arduino Forum
- Which 2 Arduino modules?
- I cannot even imagine why one Arduino would ask a friend Arduino to do something like this. Have you a reason/project in mind that would utilize such strangeness?
very funny
Can you explain in simple terms what it is you are wanting to do?
You should briefly about your project and what types of module you want to use
If your modules uses i2c or spi protocol then you can connect multiple modules on same pin
Start reading this article to familiarize yourself with basic knowledge:
Communication between two Arduino | Arduino Tutorial (arduinogetstarted.com)
I have not picked out what modules I will be using but here's what I am questioning
I know the RFID module I have uses digital pins 8-13. If I have another module that I want to connect to the same Arduino board that uses some pin (for example digital pin 9) is it down for me to put it somewhere else and change the pin in the code or is there some extender/whatever that I need?
Also, if I run out of Digital pins, what do I do?
Thanks in advance, hope this cleared some things up.
EDIT: If this helps, I'm using the Uno R3
Also, how do I get more 3.3V pins without using a breadboard?
There is only one 3.3v and 5v pin and if you don't want to use breadboard you can use some wires to make interconnection
I think you should watch some basic video on Arduino boards
Pins 11, 12 and 13 are the SPI bus. If you have multiple devices that use the SPI bus, they can share those pins. The SPI bus on e.g. an Uno also has one dedicated chio-select pin (CS, SS, pin 10 on the Uno). That can't be shared. But you can easily use another pin as a CS for a second or third device.
I2C is also a bus and you can connect muktiple I2C devices to it; e.g. a RTC and an I2C LCD; requirement is that each device needs an unique address.
Further modules in general do not demand a fixed pin. If you use modules (not shields) you can wire them to any pin.
If you run out of pins you can use shift registers, I2C or SPI port expanders and, for analogue, analigue multiplexers.
Thank you, everybody, you made it clearer!
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