A device that plays cool sounds when blown into it's microphone

I'm sorry for my ignorance in advance.

So I saw a cool video on my instagram feed and the guy was using an Adafruit Circuit Playground, and when he blew into the microphone on the board it played cool and random synth sounds and lit up the rgb leds onboard.

I want to recreate this from scratch with my own Arduino UNO (or nano if i can). But I have no idea how can I make it. My plan is to just buy the parts and learn how to put it together and code along the way. So my only need is the parts. Does anyone know which parts would I need to make something like this ?

Thanks in advance.

an arduino (faster = better. Uno probably not so great)
a microphone
a speaker and a way to drive it from your arduino
power supply

The Circuit Playground has some of the necessary hardware built in

Adding, you can find things like that as "modules" with Arduino-friendly connections.

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Which arduino would be sufficent enough for a project like this do you think ? Also what do you mean by driving the speaker ?

Now everyone is going to post their favourite one of the 500 kinds there are... :grinning:

Speakers require amplifiers to make them work, called "driving them".

Oh okay yeah that makes sense xD Thank you so much

I like teensy for sound stuff

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