I wanted to start learning something different , so I thought about fpga (they seemed interesting , really) but I couldnt really find much info about projects , beginner guides and all , so I was wondering which sort of board is suitable for a beginner like me (mojo , altera cyclone , xilinx spartan , etc (though to be honest those 3 are the majority of boards I can find in my country) )
or are they hard for a beginner ? in which case can someone recommend some other sort of interesting thing (like I really wanted to learn raspberry pi but I thought fpga seemed cooler and my budget wont let me buy both at once) ?
thanks in advance
Stay with the Arduino platform master it then go on to other things.
Whichever way you go you'll have to learn a programming language.
I agree with LarryD that C/C++ on an Arduino is a lot easier than Verilog / VHDL - suggest you go that way
I'm in LarryD's camp too, once you get C/C++ and AVR processors down, then on to RPI, Python and ARM processors, then it's not a big step to Android and cell phone apps. I really enjoy Linux on the RPI, amazing what it can do, I'm still struggling with Python but it's FUN.
For programming devices, I started out with FPGA's. Note that the software is free (I used Xilinx) and the learning curve isn't too bad if you're more comfortable working with schematic entry. Their software also has a wizard (LogiCORE) that can generate more complex parts of the design.
Here's some links to explore (also free):
The hardware ... well, not so free. Could start out by programming a cheaper CPLD module.
thanks everyone!
This is a good book by my friend, and occasional contributor here; Simon Monk
There is a chapter that recommends hardware boards.
Note that the software is free (I used Xilinx) and the learning curve isn't too bad if you're more comfortable working with schematic entry. Their software also has a wizard (LogiCORE) that can generate more complex parts of the design.
It's worth noting that FPGA design suites generally have simulation capability so one can go a long way learning about FPGA programming without having bought any physical hardware. Since there are free versions of design suites from Altera, Xilinx, and Cypress (at least) the only up front investment is your time. That said, you're not going to find the level of hand-holding that you'll experience with the Arduino or Raspberry Pi community.
Actually I saw some sample codes related to these FPGAs , and now my opinion has changed completely
Learning fpga programming is an ambitious goal. It's way the hell harder than programming a microcontroller. Also a valuable skill in the job market if you get competent at it. A friend of mine ( smart ee person, formally trained) is / was learning vhdl for that reason, and saying it was really tough....
If you're up for the challenge, it's a great skill to know. Good luck!
I did a project once using relay ladder logic - that really twisted my brain into strange contortions!
But it got me into the way of thinking which fpga's require - NOT sequential/iterative - as C etc .
Inherently parallel. Loads of independant processes, driven by asynchronous inputs, communicating by flags....
got it working fine - in the end. And was paid!