A serial software that comes CLOSEST to this discription

Hi everybody,

I am very sure that some people will post their personally most beloved serial terminal software
even if already the titel says

a serial software that comes CLOSEST to this discription

Sure it is not against forum rules. But not what I am looking for.

So here are the ideal requirements:
even more easier to adjust because
only serial connections. Nothing else! (means Putty is immidiately out)

adjustable-parameters are reduced to:

  1. COM-Port
  2. baudrate
  3. line-ending-options the same as the serial monitor
  4. log received characters into a textfile
  5. open/close COM-Port on winning/loosing focus to make it more convenient to upload a new compiled binary to the microcontroller

Again I fear that some people will argue for their most beloved serial terminal software even if their most beloved serial terminal software goes far beyond the requirements like described above.

And some will probably feel the insatiable urge to give their opinion on why it is no problem to use software XY even though it does not meet the requirements described.


It does not violate forum rules so I have to put up with it.
Ok let's see if at least some suggestions come close to the description above.

Did you not already have one that had that option? Is it lacking one of the other requirements?

It's a Linux question, nothing related to Arduino.

Where do you get that from?

CuteCom? Doesn't do 5, but it is only an extra click or 2.

Your topic does not indicate a problem with the IDE and therefore has been moved to a more suitable location on the forum.

Which OS do you really have in mind?

I am assuming this is a follow on to your posting:
Seeing / copying more lines in the serial monitor by showing the monitor on the right - Software / IDE 2.x - Arduino Forum

So I assume KiTTY is out as well :smiley:

As I mostly work with Teensy boards, I often use TyCommander:
TyTools | Niels Martignène (Koromix)

  1. You can select the different active com ports
  2. Baud rate: For teensy this mostly means nothing, as it is native USB, so baud is mostly ignored. (Except the sketch can get the value) so it can work like a USB to Serial adapter and set one of the Hardware Serial ports to the specified baud. The TyCommander does have options page on the Serial port to set the Baud rate
  3. Line ending yes
  4. I believe you can log to file, have not played much with it
  5. Teensy Integration - for Arduino 1.x it sets up configuration for Teensy to automatically use it for Serial monitor, It also is setup to be able to do the uploads or it can be configured to defer it back to the Teensy loader.

Arduino 2.x - Can be setup to do the same, there are instructions on this up on PJRC forum.

I do use this app for other boards as well, but for uploading/downloading and the like, I have to click to disable serial, do the upload and click to turn serial back on...

I am very sure that even if I gave you exactly what you asked for you'd find some fault or ask some questions clearly covered in the documentation or whatever link I give you.

I'm very sure that you would never accept that software isn't written specifically for you and your particular odd and specific requirements. Most people are willing to turn off a feature they don't want. You'll have to wait for someone to write exactly what you want because if it has one extra thing then you think it is garbage.

I'm sure you wouldn't actually read anything before you rant.

See that works both ways.

Why don't you create such a program. Then you've got nobody to complain about. This looks like an hour worth of work in python to create.

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That would be very annoying because it will reset your Arduino when the window loses or gains focus. I doubt that's a feature you're going to find.

@Delta_G resonates in a special way. Fascinating.

That's what I use :smiley:

Sounds like a simple CLI program, except for the "focus" stuff.
(Can a program running in a CMD/Shell/Terminal window detect when the window loses focus?)

Python / Tk can handle focus. The code would be pretty simple.