A Suggestion



I would linke to suggest having automatic updates on the Arduino IDE SW.


Personally I do not like working with old IDE's - I think this brings problem later.

BUT usually there is the possibility to

  1. Ignore all Updates 2) Ask is update should be implemented and lastly 3) Auto-Update without asking.

That covers all possibilities.

There is something in that....but I use a Python IDE and C++ IDE's that gets updated and ,yes, there were issues but not of importance. You still have to the power to decide whether you want the update or not so no problem there. That choice is important.

Not on my Win 10 system. I need to click on Arduino.cc and see if there are any updates.

That is exactly what I was missing.

I think the updatable IDE notifications is a useful feature. You can turn it off in preferences but that also turns off updatable library and boards notifications. That feature was broken for any IDE version higher than 1.6.0 until the last week when they finally updated https://www.arduino.cc/latest.txt to 10801. Every release does fix some bugs and add some useful features. For example, 1.8.2 will fix the long standing issue with Windows XP. They also tend to introduce some new bugs. I prefer to always use the hourly build so I can beta test and try to catch those bugs before they get released but that's not advisable for everyone. I think it would make sense for the Arduino developers to wait a few days after a release before enabling the updatable notifications and if any serious issues are exposed during that time then don't do notifications for that release. This will also reduce the chance of the download server being swamped by every user trying to update right after the release.

Oh. Well that problem must have something to do with your setup. I get that pop up every time I open Arduino. It says a new version is available and asks if I want to go to Arduino.cc to download it.

@DELTA_G Thank for the input. I have downloaded the latest Version and will see if I get those notifications.

@pert Thank you for that information, it's dood to know that.

Best regards to you all from a very windy, wet and a bit too warm for this time of year Germany