Abnormal time duration for a project to get reviewed on project hub

Hi. I Have maintained constant and updates tutorials on projecthub.arduino.cc
None of the projects have taken more the one week to get reviewed- But the current project I have uploaded, has been in the status of "pending review" for over 1 and half a month now, from the date of sending for review. Why it is taking so long?

The project hub administrators probably aren't paying attention, and neither are many other people. Is it worth your time and effort to post on it?

Well, I kinda like to keep updating my page. This one project I had put up on a fair, so I already had the required content, nothing more than copy-paste. However, the time it takes still surprises me.

Complaints like yours have appeared several times on this forum. Most forum members are volunteers and can do nothing about it.

Well, I just raised a query. If it is offensive, im sorry, but , the mechanics really need to change of this platform.

"Project Hub" is your subject. https://www.arduino.cc/en/contact-us/

The Arduino Forum platform does good work.

When you spend time to update and perfect your project, you should want more control of how the world gets to it, sees it, uses it and learns from it. You should find a "free" web site that lets you have direct access. If your bandwidth (your visitors) increases past the "free" limit, add one advertisement to get enough to pay for the host space and domain name. Keep your project front and center for the visitors.

hmmm gud idea

Hi @arunav1. I apologize for the delay in reviewing your project.

As @jremington explained, this isn't something the Arduino forum community can do anything about. Although you are welcome to post about your experiences using Project Hub here, that won't be an effective way to achieve a resolution for any problems you might be experiencing.

The effective way is to submit a report using the contact form, as suggested by @xfpd. This will generate a technical support ticket which will cause the issue to be brought to the attention of the Project Hub maintainers and allow them to efficiently track the task of resolving it.

I anyone is interested in such a thing, I would recommend GitHub Pages:

This is a free service. The limits are quite generous:



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