About millis function in switch mode

hello all, i just made this project by using switch function, all three leds turn on one by one, that worked perfect, but when i add two more buttons for color mixing it stop working, i,m not familiar with millis function and i hope that can fix this problem. any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance, here is the code link,

int GREEN = 4; //Led's and pins
int RED = 2;
int BLUE = 5;
const byte button = 12;
const byte button2 = 3;
const byte button3 = 13;
int button2State;
int button3State;
int newcount;
int count = 0;
int dimmer = 0;
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(GREEN, OUTPUT); //Pinmodes of the leds
  pinMode(RED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(BLUE, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
   button2State = digitalRead(button2);
  button3State = digitalRead(button3);
  if (button2State == HIGH){
if (dimmer<2){
if (button3State == HIGH){
if (dimmer>1023){
if (digitalRead(button) == LOW)
    if (newcount!=count)
      switch (newcount)
        case 1 : analogWrite(GREEN, dimmer);
        case 2 : analogWrite(BLUE, dimmer);
        case 3 : analogWrite(RED, dimmer);
        default : analogWrite(GREEN, 255);
                  analogWrite(BLUE, 255);
                  analogWrite(RED, 255);

This test is useless.

The buttons act while pressed, not when pressed/or released,
this does not allow a free flow of loop, the increments for example would be much too fast.
(Added: they probably are, the delay is active only under some conditions,
which is hard to see, with that bad formatting. Try Ctrl-T in the IDE.)

Which Arduino do you use?
Does it have a ten bit PWM or DAC to be used by analogWrite?

Using delay for timing is lazy.

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i,m using esp8266. and much thanks for your reply and correcting me.

Is button wired differently than button2 and button3? I noticed you are not using the internal pullup resistor for button.

yes wired differently.

Here is a version using StateChangeDetection for the buttons. I always use a 10ms delay for debounce and have never had a problem. For most applications a 10ms delay when a button is pressed should not be a problem. I couldn't test it but if there is any problem it will be which button state corresponds to "pushed".

const byte GREEN = 4; //Led's and pins
const byte RED = 2;
const byte BLUE = 5;
const byte button1 = 12;
const byte button2 = 3;
const byte button3 = 13;
int newcount = 0;
int count = 0;
int dimmer = 0;
void setup() 
  pinMode(GREEN, OUTPUT); //Pinmodes of the leds
  pinMode(RED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(BLUE, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(button1, INPUT);
  pinMode(button2, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(button3, INPUT_PULLUP);

void loop() 
  static int lastButton1State = digitalRead(button1);
  static int lastButton2State = digitalRead(button2);
  static int lastButton3State = digitalRead(button3);
  int button1State = digitalRead(button1);
  int button2State = digitalRead(button2);
  int button3State = digitalRead(button3);
  if (button2State != lastButton2State)
    delay(10); //debounce
    lastButton2State = button2State;
    if (button2State == LOW) 
      if (dimmer > 1023) dimmer = 1023;
  if (button3State != lastButton3State)
    delay(10); //debounce
    lastButton3State = button3State;
    if (button3State == LOW) 
      if (dimmer < 2) dimmer = 2;

  if (button1State != lastButton1State)
    delay(10); //debounce
    lastButton1State = button1State;
    if (button1State == LOW) 

  if (newcount != count)
    switch (newcount)
      case 1 : 
        analogWrite(GREEN, dimmer);
      case 2 : 
        analogWrite(BLUE, dimmer);
      case 3 : 
        analogWrite(RED, dimmer);
      default : 
        analogWrite(GREEN, 255);
        analogWrite(BLUE, 255);
        analogWrite(RED, 255);
        newcount = 0;
    count = newcount;
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That is why there is Wokwi. You can simulate the entire thing - no hardware required

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