Acceleromter max/min value meter issues


im struggling with the code in this certain part of my project. i wrote a program that simply converts acceleration data into g force using a accelerometer. when a button is pressed, it displays your current maximum and minimum values youve reached for each axis. for some reason when the minimum Y axis meter and the maximum Z axis meter are displayed, some random (to me) number is shown (pictured below). The weird part is that it works perfectly for the x min and max values, y max values, and z min values and the code is the exact same.

ive tried isolating the min/max meter section of the program and following the logic of the math and programming as closely as i can to no avail. im thinking im just overlooking something silly and need a fresh pair of eyes to have a look. or im stoopid. still figuring it out.

thanks in advance and sorry for the unorganized code.

//#include <LCD_I2C.h>
//#include "Timer.h"
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_LIS3DH.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7);
Adafruit_LIS3DH lis = Adafruit_LIS3DH();
//Timer timer;

float maxX; //delcare maxX global var
float minX;
float maxY;
float minY;
float maxZ;
float minZ;
long starttime;
//int sec = (millis() / 1000);
//float min;

//void timer() { //trying to make a laptimer
  //sec = 0;
 // lcd.setCursor(12,1);lcd.print(millis() / 1000);

int maxval1() { // displays max and min values of all axis's

void setup(void) {
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  while (!Serial) delay(10);     

  Serial.print("LIS3DH test!");

  if (! lis.begin(0x18)) {   // change this to 0x19 for alternative i2c address
    Serial.println("Couldnt start");
    while (1) yield();
  Serial.println("LIS3DH found!");

  // lis.setRange(LIS3DH_RANGE_4_G);   // 2, 4, 8 or 16 G!

  Serial.print("Range = "); Serial.print(2 << lis.getRange());

  // lis.setDataRate(LIS3DH_DATARATE_50_HZ);
  Serial.print("Data rate set to: ");
  switch (lis.getDataRate()) {
    case LIS3DH_DATARATE_1_HZ: Serial.println("1 Hz"); break;
    case LIS3DH_DATARATE_10_HZ: Serial.println("10 Hz"); break;
    case LIS3DH_DATARATE_25_HZ: Serial.println("25 Hz"); break;
    case LIS3DH_DATARATE_50_HZ: Serial.println("50 Hz"); break;
    case LIS3DH_DATARATE_100_HZ: Serial.println("100 Hz"); break;
    case LIS3DH_DATARATE_200_HZ: Serial.println("200 Hz"); break;
    case LIS3DH_DATARATE_400_HZ: Serial.println("400 Hz"); break;

    case LIS3DH_DATARATE_POWERDOWN: Serial.println("Powered Down"); break;
    case LIS3DH_DATARATE_LOWPOWER_5KHZ: Serial.println("5 Khz Low Power"); break;
    case LIS3DH_DATARATE_LOWPOWER_1K6HZ: Serial.println("16 Khz Low Power"); break;
  //sensors_event_t event;
  //static float curposx = event.acceleration.x/9.80665;
  lcd.print("G FORCE SENSOR");
  lcd.setCursor(0, -1); lcd.print("BY AHAD");


void loop() {;
  sensors_event_t event;

  float xG = event.acceleration.x/9.80665; // x axis value in Gs
  float yG = event.acceleration.y/9.80665;
  float zG = event.acceleration.z/9.80665;
  float G = 1; // Compensation for gravity
  //static float curposx = event.acceleration.x/9.80665; //saves initial position for x in static var
  //static float curposy = event.acceleration.y/9.80665;
  //static float curposz = event.acceleration.z/9.80665;
  //Serial.print(curposx); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(curposy); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(curposz);  // for debugging
  //lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("X:");lcd.print(xG - curposx);lcd.print(" "); // x axis data offset by initial position so accelerometer doesnt have to be level or have any certain orientain
  //lcd.setCursor(0,-1);lcd.print("Y:");lcd.print(yG - curposy);lcd.print("          ");  //adding spaces cuz i cant code 
  //lcd.setCursor(8,0);lcd.print("Z:");lcd.print(zG - curposz + G);lcd.print("  "); // offset with inital position and then add 1G to compensate for gravity that we initially subtracted


  if (xG > maxX) {  // if the x axis in Gs is greater than the maxX variable value then replace maxX with the value of xG
    maxX = xG;
  if (xG < minX) {
    minX = xG;
  if (yG > maxY) {  // if the x axis in Gs is greater than the maxX variable value then replace maxX with the value of xG
    maxY = yG;
  if (yG < minY) {
    minY = yG;
  if (zG > maxZ) {  // if the x axis in Gs is greater than the maxX variable value then replace maxX with the value of xG
    maxZ = zG;
  if (zG < minZ) {
    minZ = zG + G;

  //static int status1 = false; // reads max val button status starting with setting it to false 
 // static int status2 = false;
  //int val=analogRead(A0); //reads a0 pin for input from pins
  //Serial.println(val); // for debugging , display what buttons being pressed

  //if(val>=150&&val<=300) {
    //status1 = !status1; // if down button is pressed switch status 
    //Serial.print(status1); //debugging
  //if(val>=0&&val<=50) {
    //starttime = millis();
    //status2 = !status2; // if right button is pressed switch status of status2
    //Serial.print(status2); //debugging
  //if (status1 == true) {  // if down button is on then run maxval1 function
    //sensors_event_t event;

  //if (status2 == true) {  // if right button is on then start timer
   // lcd.setCursor(12,1);lcd.print((millis() - starttime) / 1000.0);
    //static int sec =;
    //timer.start();lcd.setCursor(12,1);Serial.print(sec / 1000);
    //lcd.setCursor(12,1);lcd.print(millis() / 1000);
 // }



im thinking it was a hardware issue. re did my set up's wiring and the issue seems to be gone. for now.

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