Accelstepper: Speed control

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void loop() {
Motor1speed = map((analogRead(speedpot)), 0, 1023, speedmin, speedmax);

Checking the analog input and printing every time through loop is like adding a 1 to 4 ms delay(). You really do not need to do that cause you can only move the pot so fast. Here I read the pot and print 10 times a second, but call runSpeed() every time through loop(). Note that I changed the pin numbers so I could test on my setup and changed the baud rate to a faster rate. You will need to change the code for your pin numbers.

#include <AccelStepper.h>

int Stepper1Pulse = 2;  // **** for CNC shield
int Stepper1Direction = 5;  // **** for CNC shield
const byte enablePin = 8;   // **** for CNC shield
int speedpot = A0;

int Motor1speed = 0;
int speedmin = 0;
int speedmax = 4000;
AccelStepper step1(1, Stepper1Pulse, Stepper1Direction);

void setup()
   step1.setMaxSpeed (speedmax);
   pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT);  // **** for CNC shield
   digitalWrite(enablePin, LOW);   // **** for CNC shield
   digitalWrite(Stepper1Direction, LOW); // CCW
   Serial.begin(115200); // ************** faster baud rate
   Serial.println("Running: StepperDriverTest");

void loop()
   static unsigned long timer = 0;
   unsigned long interval = 100;
   if (millis() - timer >= interval)
      timer = millis();

      Motor1speed = map((analogRead(speedpot)), 0, 1023, speedmin, speedmax);